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Doctor taking blood pressure of older patient


The Future of Primary Care

A model of practice that is growing in popularity. We provide direct access to our physicians via phone calls, text messages, in home, or in office visits based around your schedule.

Our practitioners step outside the boundaries of standard medical practices to provide well rounded, personalized care. We keep an open mind when it comes to spiritual beliefs and personal preference, often finding ourselves in a supportive role while our patient’s bodies and minds heal themselves.

If you enroll in our concierge program, you will receive VIP treatment.  Our physicians will go the extra mile to be available and attentive to your needs. You set the pace, and you direct your care. 

You will be privy to appointment durations of your choosing. If you prefer leisurely academic visits, we will attempt to accommodate a discussion regarding the totality of your concerns. If your schedule is packed, we will provide rapid assessments at your office or the location of your choosing. 

We do our best to provide safe care and observe social distancing. If patient's are amenable, we also offer HIPPA secure, confidential video chat and telephonic appointments.

We try to take a look at the big picture and ascertain social, psychological, and lifestyle issues that may be contributing to your issues. In this way we hope to address the entire patient, not just symptoms of the presenting illness.

Our patients are often discussed between colleagues behind the scenes and you can be confident you are receiving a well-rounded assessment. If you would like to meet directly with a local specialist or alternative medicine provider, this is usually very easy to arrange and sometimes comes at no extra charge.

We have pulled out all the stops in designing our concierge program. Medication orders, imaging, lab tests, and even minor surgical procedures are all available at little to no extra cost. We may suggest various tests, which we can order in house, or any number of possible treatments. You may receive information about vitamins or supplements that are readily available and may be of benefit. Lifestyle changes will be discussed if necessary, and a plan will be put in place.

Often the initial wellness exam can be used to satisfy requirements set forth in Pre-Employment and Sports Physicals. We will make an attempt to satisfy any reasonable documentation requests you may have.

We have been told time again by our patients that we are the best doctor’s office in the area. We believe our concierge medicine program is the reason why. 

Billing is performed monthly and fees are based on a sliding scale. The program works like a membership with monthly dues and you may cancel at any time. 

Tried the rest? Now try the best! This is the future of primary care

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